Hi Everyone, Coming from the privately held business sector and having the opportunity to experience and develop my knowledge of every facet of a manufacturing business, is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Having been an employee for a privately held multi-million dollar business for 11 years and then getting the opportunity to be the 100% owner of the company was a real eye-opening experience. One of the glaring differences of becoming an entrepreneur instead of a highly paid executive is the considerable amount of responsibility you now are solely responsible for. The biggest challenge I had was, looking honestly at your strengths and weaknesses and identifying who you really are as a business person. You must first and foremost come to terms as to where you belong on a daily basis to ensure the companies success. It is extremely important to understand your role moving forward and where you can best impact your company. Here comes the BIG question. Are you a lea...
One Man's Journey in The Coffee Industry and Life is a blog about the experiences I have gained through becoming a business owner, entrepreneur. It is meant to give real world business advice, tips on maintaining and growing a business and the life lessons learned along the way. Always original quality content, on business advice,small business, startups and more. One Man's Journey in The Coffee Industry and Life.