Entrepreneurs! 5 Traits That Will Help You Succeed! I have had plenty of time and experience to write about this subject. I believe this post has some very important points that can only come with what has been learned. I certainly hope that you will take the time to read this and hopefully take at least some of my advice to heart. It will certainly help you on your career path. Especially for those of you that aspire to be business owners or believe you have the entrepreneurial spirit. You see I have gone from being just a regular employee, manager, to holding almost every C-Level position you could possibly have during my career. There were many lessons learned. There is still much more to encounter, there always will be. I have witnessed the challenges a business owner has on a daily basis, as well as experienced those challenges and more as I moved into the role of business owner, Senior Partner, Managing Partner etc.. You could say I have run the gamut. It has ...
One Man's Journey in The Coffee Industry and Life is a blog about the experiences I have gained through becoming a business owner, entrepreneur. It is meant to give real world business advice, tips on maintaining and growing a business and the life lessons learned along the way. Always original quality content, on business advice,small business, startups and more. One Man's Journey in The Coffee Industry and Life.