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Showing posts from October, 2017

The Art Of Creating A Great Coffee Blend

  THE ART OF CREATING A GREAT COFFEE BLEND!   This is pretty much where the rubber meets the road, in the coffee industry. Coffee blends make up the vast majority of successful products within this industry. Single Origins and Estate Coffees are wonderful, but, coffee blends are generally the mainstay of most consumers purchases. There are several reasons for that. Today I want to explain and explore how you would go about finding the right coffee blend for you and, what goes into the process of roasting and blending coffee and the underlying reasons. I hope you find this enjoyable and entertaining. After all it really is the "Art" side of the coffee industry. It is also the down and dirty business side of the industry. Let's take a closer look at what goes into this process. Most of you know that coffee is an agricultural product. With any product that is cultivated and grown, there are natural cycles that occur. Coffee is no different. Coffee ...