Hi everyone, It has been awhile! I have been enjoying this great New England summer weather with my wife, and in fact, just spent a few days on Cape Cod with some of our dearest friends. Wow, maybe I should have titled this article Three things.... because spending time with good friends should always be on the agenda, but that doesn't need to be a skill you have to acquire, so I digress.. Ok. When I bought my business I was 37 years old. I was full of ideas, motivated like a lion who hadn't eaten in ten days, and enthralled in my opportunity to really be in charge for the first time in my life. Think about that for a long minute. That is, in itself a lot to be processing. This is why owning your own business isn't easy, unless you are a one person operation! Which I am now, being an active consultant, but on my own. But back in 1997, I had departments to manage, 65 employees to pay, and 104,000 square foot building to maintain! Oh yeah, and I had to sell a little bit...
One Man's Journey in The Coffee Industry and Life is a blog about the experiences I have gained through becoming a business owner, entrepreneur. It is meant to give real world business advice, tips on maintaining and growing a business and the life lessons learned along the way. Always original quality content, on business advice,small business, startups and more. One Man's Journey in The Coffee Industry and Life.