Yeah that's right, isn't it? Well not really, the factory was so busy and the sales were coming in. We went from $5.6 million to $24 million in a hurry. No capital involved, which made me think, hmmm, maybe we are really not very proficient. But I would come back off the road and there would be 10 more employees on the production floor, and then I would go back out and they'd be 15! What is going on, we had the capacity, we had the resources, what we didn't have was someone that wanted to invest in the future. AAAAARGH. You know what that feels like for a 35 year old, with his whole life ahead of him? Death. But hey I got it and you can only pick so many fights. So, what I did was try to reduce costs everywhere else. I looked at insurance, health insurance, any out sourcing we did to cut the crap out of all these costs we were incurring. Then I found it the magic bullet, let's invest in futures and options!! Calls, Puts, market positioning let's go! So that's what we did for 95, we changed our philosophy in seconds, which was cool. God knows where it is going to lead us, but I felt strongly about the new way. Even though I had little knowledge in the trading side of it, I kind of knew, it was the only way we would survive. Soooo, I was bumbling and grumbling for quite some time, I made a little bit of money but nothing to speak of. One Friday afternoon, I put a call into our broker and bought 4 contracts for September, it is now early July. I go home and say hey, at least we covered some of the business. I basically locked in our margin where we were going to make money. So that weekend was good. Played with the kids, had a couple of beers, you know everyday life. Then Monday hit ! There was a frost in Brazil!!!! WHAAAAAT! I was running with somebody else's legs on Monday... Stay tuned............
Hi everyone, I LOVE a good espresso and it always troubled me about the lack of knowledge some people had about coffee and espresso, especially in the U.S., because that's where I am from, I am not sure this is prevalent throughout the world, but there are some things everyone should know about espresso. First off, it doesn't matter what type of roast or beans you use really. It just matters that the coffee is ground to a certain fineness. This causes the massive amount of pressurized extraction you get from brewing it in an espresso machine!! The massive pressure that an espresso machine provides is the key to good espresso, not the beans or the blend, or the roast shade. In fact, some of the most powerful espresso I have ever tasted is from a roast that most people would describe as light roasted coffee!! You see the way the espresso interacts with the brain is very different. It calls into attention a brain function called Adnosine which releases adrenaline into yo...
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